My Educational Products

Dear Readers,

Like many educators, I’ve been developing material for the classroom for years. Now I’m publishing my material and photography for a broader audience on TeachersPayTeachers (TPT), an open marketplace for educators. I post educational items for sale, as well as some free downloads. For example, I sell signs for primary learning centers, PowerPoint presentations for instructional purposes, middle school literature studies, K-12 Spanish language material, and stories. Most products are available in English and Spanish. I include the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that align with my products. I take great care in creating research-based products by incorporating my knowledge of instructional design into the product. For example, my products include lesson plans that address Gagne’s nine events of instruction.

I use thought-provoking images and words taken from real life. For example, the sign I made for the library station includes images of actual fiction and non-fiction books and a list of examples for each category. The fiction list includes comic books, fables, novels, poetry, plays, and short stories. Teachers could use this sign in their library area or on their bulletin boards. This item costs only $1 along with several others. Additionally, I share many freebies on the site.

One of the great things about an open marketplace is the ability to sell your own stories. I wrote A Chance to Grow: The Story of a Hungry Chick. This product includes lifecycle activities, a glossary, nature photos, and a vocabulary pretest aligned with the CCSS. The story covers the life cycle of various animals and insects and the food chain. It correlates to the K-3 Standards on Speaking & Listening: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas: #5.

Sandra Annette Rogers, Ph.D.

Teacherrogers Products
Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Higher Education, Adult Education, Homeschooler, Staff, Not Grade Specific -

P. S. If you’re thinking of selling on TPT, too, let me know. Please use my link when you get started:

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